Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nea Nea visits!

The highlight of November was definitely the very special visit from Renea.   Although she is actually my aunt, she was more like a sister to us growing up.  She was 16 when I was born and Steph and I wanted to be JUST like Renea!  I remember even telling my mom that I was going to be a vegetarian when I was 8 because Renea was one at the time!  Ha!  You can guess how that went over!  Renea would let us come and stay with her in Atlanta for the weekend when we were in elementary and middle school.  She would spoil us rotton and then send us home!  We would go to SixFlags, out to eat, make pottery, and get manicures.  After she left Atlanta, our family took trips to see her every place she lived.  This made for a super fun trip to San Francisco, Yosemite NP, & Lake Tahoe.  Later, we took a long and super fun trip to visit her in New Mexico and got to see Mesa NP, Colorado, the four corners, and the Grand Canyon.  She and her husband Matt live in Cerillos, New Mexico on a super cool "ranch" (that's what I call it!)
So, Renea has now decided to love on me and Steph when we have our kiddos!  She came to visit Emily and wanted to come for Jacob as well.  As you can see, Jacob just LOVED her!  Her sweet voice had him all smiles!  Nea was such a huge blessing to one tired mama :)  She bought all sorts of groceries, cooked us lots of dinners, and helped out with Jacob so much!  She even made us extra meals to freeze and use later!  Those were gone very quickly  :)

Renea was here on my birthday and she insisted that she would help me go to get my hair cut.  I love having that done but had a hard time fitting it in at the current moment.  She went with me and held Jacob while Judy cut my hair.  It was sooooooo nice!
Hanging out with Nea Nea. . . he thinks she's the BEST!  (me too!)  We can't wait until she comes back for Miss Hannah later this year!

We love you Nea so much and can't tell you how much it meant for you to take time out to come see us and help!

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