Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fly Lady Fly Lady!

So, this post is a little shout out to the Fly Lady and also for me to remember in 10 years what helped me get my act together with my home!  Brett and I have always been the "clean once a week" type family.  With just the two of us, things didn't get too bad in a week's time.  Throughout the week, we would do the minor details and then do our major clean before company came or on Sunday.  The first 2 years we were married, we even made a deal.  He would go grocery shopping and I would clean up our tiny apartment.  Each Sunday, we said "go!":  he ran out the door for Walmart and I began cleaning with a fury!  I was always almost done by the time he got back!  Cleaning up after and washing clothes for two adults is no big deal (I see this now).  :)

Well. . . things hit the fan when I got pregnant!  For those first 14 weeks or so, I didn't feel like doing much of anything!  So. . . that left Brett to pick up all the duties :)  I think it overwhelmed him a bit since he was still in seminary full time and working 2 different jobs.  I could already see that when little one got here, I would need to hire a full time house cleaning person who would cook all my meals!  Ha!

When I was out for maternity leave, I discovered the Fly Lady.  It is a "group" you can belong to that will send you email reminders, encouragement, etc.  about setting up routines that will help your house "clean itself".  (you still do the work, though)  I LOVE having this system and our house is cleaner and more organized than it has ever been!  It even helps me to not feel overwhelmed since I've gone back to work.  I can't do all the things that I did when I was home for maternity leave, but it helps us have clothes to wear, dishes to cook from, and a peaceful place to play with Jacob (which is important when little J goes through multiple outfits a day!)  It's so funny how something that used to stress me out so much has now become a way for me to bless my family!  I'm so thankful for finding the Fly Lady right when I needed it most!

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