Monday, December 31, 2012

Hanging Out at the Park

Toccoa has an awesome new playground for little ones and Jacob just loves to go!  We only get to go when daddy can come too, since I can't lift him up on any of the fun stuff.  He really loves slides now and will pump his little body forward to go down.
We thought we would let him try the big slide so that he could go further. . .
Then daddy had to get in on the action!
Jacob loved having his daddy there to help him do everything :)

What a sweet time at the park!  Side note:  this was actually our second time arriving to the park on that day.    30 minutes before, we got there, got Jacob out of the car, and then realized that he had just pooped through his clothes.  So we immediately put him back in the car to change him.  It was suffocating to be sitting in the back seat with that terrible poopy!  Brett and I were both gagging.  Jacob was crying like a crazy man that we had put him back in the car to change his diaper.  He LOVES being outside like you wouldn't believe.  I then realized that I had no extra pants and it was definitely a little cold outside.  So. . . we had to walk him back around the car and put him in his car seat.  He was literally devastated.  He cried for an extra long time on the way back home (5 mins away).  He was so disappointed that I ended up running in to get him some sweat pants and we headed back to the park.  As you can see, he was happy as a lark when we arrived back to have fun!

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