So. . . here I am back at blogging again! I love to have Jacob's first year documented so that I can have a little record of our family life. . . but I find myself being a perfectionist about the blogging. I want to wait until I have time to write the perfect blog post with the perfect pictures and video. :) I have now decided that I am going to JUST DO IT so that I have something! So, here is my less than perfect series of posts that actually exist! :)
Jacob went to the 4 month appointment and was a very big little boy! The doctor said that we might really want to think about giving him some cereal since he was clearing out every bottle that we gave him. So, on January the 10th, we tried rice cereal. We made it really runny with milk, but he still wasn't sure about eating anything from a spoon. The first night, this is what we got: a turned head.
By the second night though, he was getting into it and was opening his little mouth like a bird for more! It was so adorable and we were laughing the entire time. I am going to post our link to youtube so anyone can see the video of it if you would like.
He was very interested in the spoon, the bowl, and his Bumbo tray. . . even more than the cereal. He spits most of it out, and for the first month, I wasn't sure I'd ever talk out little one into eating real food. Then I told myself that I didn't know of any adults that didn't eat food, so I'm sure he would be just fine! Actually, I think Brett had to tell me that, but I like to think that I became rational myself :)
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