Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bye Bye Uncle Bert, Aunt Stephanie, Emily & Hannah

Towards the end of May, Bert graduated from seminary with an MDiv!!  We were so proud of him, but were sad to see their family leave NC.  He found a job in Greenville, SC as a youth pastor, so we knew they would love being in the Clemson area :)  We moved up to Dahlonega together after we were both married in 2007 and then got to live in NC for 4 years together.  I don't know what I would have done without Steph this past fall as I adjusted to motherhood.  She was such a great friend and sister to me!  Now that we are in GA, Jacob and I are having playdates with Steph and the girls a couple times a month!

Papa Stan making Jacob laugh:

Keeping the two littlest busy. . .

Jacob has Papa Stan's phone.  He is just beginning to love phones, remotes, etc.  The fun begins!

Happy on Papa Stan's shoulders :)

 A sad Sunday night for us.  Steph, Bert, and the girls were moving the next day.  We came by to say goodbye and thought it would be fun to take a pic with the boxes.  Em was the only one excited about it!

Mother's Day & Jacob's Baby Dedication

Here is our sweet boy waiting for Nana and Papa to get there

Almost here. . .
They're here!  They just had to take him swinging on the pretty day.  When we lived in the parsonagec the church was just a short walk away.  We would take Jacob to the playset all the time.  He especially loved the baby swing that they had there.

Jacob was super happy to see his Nana and Papa!
Family shot with Mama & Dada.
Chole decided to hop in too.  She won't be far if one of us is outside.  She enjoyed living by the church sooooo much and would say hey to everyone who came by the church.
Here is sweet one being recognized.

Pastor Davis did the dedication.  He was always so sweet to Jacob, and by the time we left, he was one of Jacob's favorites. 

He wanted mommy to hold him for a minute :)

Smiling at mommy

Sweet family shot

Three babies and one more to come (April 24th!).
They are the best of friends!  Can't wait until there are even more of them!  My first mother's day was so meaningful.  I am so thankful that God has blessed me with the opportunity to be a mom!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

May Visit to GA--Mimi & Papa Stan's Pictures

So. . . I am not the greatest of all picture takers.  Lucky for me, mom and Steph do a super job and then pass their pics on to me.  So, all the following pictures come from my mom's ipad.  Thanks mom!

 Papa Stan put this swing up for Emily when she was old enough to enjoy it.  The kiddos LOVE it because it has such a long rope that they can go really high!
 In the above pic, Jacob is taking off all of Hannah's socks.  He was so proud of himself when he did it.  Since he had already taken his off, he thought he would do her's too.
 Jacob loves Tiger soooooo much.  At this stage, he was just getting interested in him.   Now (13 mo) he chases the poor dog around the house.

 Trying to learn to do my sippy cup without just spilling the water on the floor.
 Cousins picture:  Hannah is sooooo sad!

 Taking off sock number two. . .
 Almost has it. ..

Spring Fun & Back to Blogging

Well hello everyone again!  I am settled into our GA home and decided that it was about time to get back to blogging.  Jacob has just turned 13 months and I am VERY motivated to do a good job blogging this fall so that I can print of the wonderful blog book that will double as a sort of baby book for him!  So. . . here are some more random memories from the first year.  Jacob loved the laundry basket so much!  We would push him up and down the hall in it and he would just cackle!
Here we are at Mimi and Papa Stan's.  Jacob and Em are in the big chair for a photo op.

 This is one of my favorite pictures of mimi making Jacob laugh!  What a cutie!
 This one is another random easter pic that I thought was just too cute to leave out.  Mimi looks really proud.
 Going for a walk over spring break. . . it was so funny b/c Em was in the broken down stroller :)
 Our little precious at Easter.  We found this adorable hat and just had to get it for him!

 I love this pic with Papa Stan on Easter!
 Em helping me do abs on spring break.  She was cracking me up!