Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mother's Day & Jacob's Baby Dedication

Here is our sweet boy waiting for Nana and Papa to get there

Almost here. . .
They're here!  They just had to take him swinging on the pretty day.  When we lived in the parsonagec the church was just a short walk away.  We would take Jacob to the playset all the time.  He especially loved the baby swing that they had there.

Jacob was super happy to see his Nana and Papa!
Family shot with Mama & Dada.
Chole decided to hop in too.  She won't be far if one of us is outside.  She enjoyed living by the church sooooo much and would say hey to everyone who came by the church.
Here is sweet one being recognized.

Pastor Davis did the dedication.  He was always so sweet to Jacob, and by the time we left, he was one of Jacob's favorites. 

He wanted mommy to hold him for a minute :)

Smiling at mommy

Sweet family shot

Three babies and one more to come (April 24th!).
They are the best of friends!  Can't wait until there are even more of them!  My first mother's day was so meaningful.  I am so thankful that God has blessed me with the opportunity to be a mom!

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