Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Flu, and other March adventures

March 2013 was the first major sickness that our Jacaboo had to face.  On Saturday morning, he woke up and I thought that he must have a terrible cold.  I soon realized that he had a super high fever and that we needed to take him to the Dr.  We called to try to get in, but they said that they had absolutely no appointments.  I was sooooo frustrated!  They told us to just wait and see if the fever stayed high through the afternoon, and if so, then to take him to the ER.  It had spiked back up after his nap so we headed to the ER that afternoon.  When we got there, they checked his ears first and said that he had a double ear infection.  They gave him some meds and prescribed antibiotics.  I asked then if they thought there was any way that he had the flu and they said that no, it was just the ear infection and that there was no reason to test him.  Tuesday morning, he was still running a fever and I thought maybe the antibiotic wasn't working on his ears.  We took him in and he had the flu!!!! I was literally livid, because at that point, it was too late to give him any tamiflu.  Little man stay sick for like 2.5 weeks getting over it.  The antibiotics for the ear infection made his tummy upset and he wouldn't eat or drink.  It was a special kind of miserable!
Here he is with the flu taking a nap on Papa Stan.
Thankfully, he did heal and was back to his happy self!!!! Mommy and Daddy HATE it when you don't feel well little man!

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine how angry you were to find out they could not attend to little Jacaboo! There's no reason for them to tell you to wait for him to flare up. Your little guy must have been downright miserable with the misdiagnosis. It should not have happened. Good thing he got back to being as cuddly as ever!

    Dot Eastman @ US Health Works
