Friday, November 2, 2012

Flash the red light, and I will smile!!!!

Right  around 10 months, Jacob started LOVING the camera.  Actually, he just loved the little red light that came on before the flash.  It cracked us up so much!  It we pointed the camera at him and let the red light shine on his face, he would bust into the biggest grin!  Sadly, that phase has passed and now we have to work really hard to even get him to look at the camera :)
This is sweet boy standing up at his play table.  The church had one just like it and some of the ladies in nursery were noticing how much Jacob loved it.  I said out loud that he probably liked it so much b/c we didn't have one like it at home.  That very night, Sarah & Brad Smith dropped one by for Jacob to play with at home!  We so appreciated Andy sharing some of his toys that he was done playing with.

So happy mommy is shining the red light on my face!
We truly have such a happy boy!  He definitely lets you know when he does not like something, but for the most part, he has a happy little temperment all the time. 

Jacob loves playing with his dada.  Brett will throw him up in the air and Jacob will laugh and laugh!

One of the tricks that Brett taught Jacob was how to make the toy rings spin in a circle.  Jacob loved the sound that they made on the hardwood floors.  Very early on, Jacob started throwing the rings down on the floor trying to make the same sound that his daddy did.  As Jacob grew, he would sometimes do this for 15 mins at a time.  Brett could sometimes get annoyed when Jacob and I were both throwing the rings on the floor while he was watching a good TV show :)  Ha!
Happy to be standing by himself for a second!

Sweet boy posing for mommy!  Things got much busier at our house during this month as he was able to get to anything he wanted.  We started having to say "no" to touching the TV and the DVDs that were beside it.  It broke his little heart (at first), but then he began to look right at us before he touched it.  We were trying to not laugh, but we just couldn't believe out sweet innocent one would knowingly disobey!  It definitely takes you by surprise when they do that at first.  Brett had to reassure me that Jacob had not "forgotten" the rules that we had set.  If I wasn't sure then, I am now, that sometimes that boy just wants to test his limits!

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