Thursday, November 1, 2012

Army Crawling and Red Solo Cups

Jacob had THE cutest little crawl.  At 7 months, he started army crawling and didn't stop crawling that way until he was almost 11 months.  He could go looooong distances army crawling.  In fact, we really had to watch him b/c he was often getting carpet burns when he would crawl this way for a long distance.  He loved his new mobility and looked like a little snake getting around.  As you can see, we had one happy boy!

Around this time, he no longer wanted to get in the exersaucer, but would cry instead to get out.  So, mommy and daddy would sit with him outside it so he could feel like he had a little freedom :)

Another one of our boy's favorites was the red solo cup.  Luckily, our church had an endless supply that they used for Wednesday night meals, so little man could always be seen holding one at church dinners and at home.  We would keep one in the diaper bag, the car, and with his toys.  It was his favorite thing to chew and eat for a while.  Most people at church would sing the popular country song to him as well.

Crawling with my red solo cup!

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