Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Emily Turns 2

The weekend of April 8th, we celebrated Emmy's 2nd birthday and Stephanie's 29th.  Ha ha!  Aunt Steph is almost 30 :)  So anyways, Papa Stan & Mimi came up from GA to help celebrate.  Here is Em eating her cake.  She wasn't sure about everyone watching her.

Here I am feeding Jacob his 4 pm meal.  He was really enamored with the baloons and party decorations and could hardly eat. 

Being shy!

Before the night was over, we had to get one cousins picture.  It is funny how big Jacob is compared to his girl cousins!
Here is Jacob checking out Emily.  Hannah looks a little miserable :)
We finally had to reach in when Jacob started elbowing Hannah in the throat!

Hanging out with Papa Stan on Saturday morning.
It is so fun to play with grandparents!  We had such a fun time with family time that weekend.  Steph and Bert moved away from Wake Forest at the end of May and it has made us really appreciate the time that we had together.  And. . . Mimi and Papa Stan came up lots lots lots when all the grandkids were in one town!

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