After two months away, I am back in the blogging world! Just so you know, I do have a great excuse! Back in late February, I applied for 2 jobs thinking that I better apply for both just in case I didn't get one of them. Well, when blessings rain they pour, and I did get both. However, they both weren't certain that there would be funding for the next year, so I decided to work both of them just in case one couldn't hire me for next school year. So, beginning in mid-March, I have been teaching Spanish 10 hours a week at one high school, teaching 20 hours a week at 2 middle schools and 2 high schools in another county, teaching a home school Spanish class once a week, helping Brett with the youth, and finishing up the 2 master's courses that I have been taking this semester! It's been CRAZY!!!
Thankfully, I have an amazing husband and grandparents for our sweet baby who have helped out so much to help us get through these two months. We are so thankful for the extra income that has been provided, but I don't think I'll let my life get that crazy again any time in the near future :) So, needless to say, blogging has been way down at like #10 on my "to do list". I really miss it though and am super motivated to catch up on Jacob's "story". Since I just turned in my final papers for my grad courses, I thought I would type a quick update on sweet boy!

Here we are getting his first haircut. As you can see, he was a little nervous from the get-go. We brought the ipad along since it has amazing soothing capabilities. He was actually content and was letting her snip away at his hair (the pic below is "before"). Then, she brought out the clippers! All craziness broke loose and we had to do some major holding just to let him finish the haircut! I'm pretty sure we'll let her just use scissors next time!